Medellín minitecas



Matrimonios, fiestas infantiles, cumpleaños y aniversarios, fiestas de fin de año, eventos corporativos, congresos, conferencias, seminarios, lanzamientos de producto, ferias de negocios, culturales, sociales, artísticos, fiestas especiales, despedidas de soltero/a, eventos deportivos, entregas de premios, graduaciones y quince años.

Es una empresa responsable, seria y puntual, estamos ubicados en Envigado Medellin.
Llevamos mas de 15 año en el mercado y trabajamos dia a dia para brindar un mejor servicio.



Music WordPress

Las guerras de minitecas de los ochentas: Una época maravillosa

Medellín Minitecas | abril 4, 2022 close

Finalizando los setentas y en toda la década del ochenta, los jóvenes vibraron con las guerras de minitecas, las únicas que dejaban muertos pero de cansancio. Esa generación que disfrutó al ritmo de las melodías del momento y que hoy está cumpliendo roles de padres y abuelos, añora esos años maravillosos, cuando las […]

Elementor music

The Seven Different Types of Written Music

Medellín Minitecas | noviembre 4, 2020 close

As a bassist, bandleader, teacher, and music copyist, I’ve worked with hundreds of singers throughout the years. Though working musicians know hundreds of tunes, singers need to have good charts in order to have their music played the way they want. I define a «good chart» as a piece of […]

Elementor music

How To Gain The Power To Create Intense Musical Emotion

Medellín Minitecas | noviembre 4, 2020 close

Most guitarists want to be able to express themselves better with their guitar playing; however, the majority of guitar players have no idea how to actually practice this skill. This leads to a lot of time being wasted on practicing guitar in a way that does not produce big results. […]

Music theme

How To Gain Music Fans And Build Promoting Skills

Medellín Minitecas | noviembre 4, 2020 close

However, the answer to «How do I get more fans and promote my music career?» is not easily found by taking a highly generalized approach that ‘seems’ to work for other musicians. At any given moment, you (or the band you play in) may be struggling with various unique challenges […]

Elementor music

The 7 Qualities You Must Have To Make It In The Music Business

Medellín Minitecas | noviembre 4, 2020 close

Most of the qualities I will be discussing have to do with the way you ‘think’ rather than the specific actions you take. It is rare to find someone who has the right mindset that contains all of these qualities. However, you can get ‘trained’ to develop a success oriented […]




Matrimonios, fiestas infantiles, cumpleaños y aniversarios, fiestas de fin de año, eventos corporativos, congresos, conferencias, seminarios, lanzamientos de producto, ferias de negocios, culturales, sociales, artísticos, fiestas especiales, despedidas de soltero/a, eventos deportivos, entregas de premios, graduaciones y quince años.